Meet our team.


Kenzi Weidman

Funky, excited & engaging - the 3 words that best describe our owner & inspiration behind YOGA3. You won’t catch her on the class schedule often but instead on the mat, behind the front desk & hyping up the team. Kenzi’s love for human connection & passion for inclusive fitness led to opening YOGA3, so that all fitness levels have the welcoming opportunity to practice, under the heat of course.


Deanna Laemmrich

Vibrant, intentional & welcoming - just 3 of the many words that describe a class with Deanna, our Studio Lead. She is known for creating a safe space for you on the mat & under the heat, working to challenge your current fitness level while at the same time finding balance in the body & in the mind. In her words, “It’s yoga practice, not yoga perfect.”

*200-Hour Yoga Certification

Sherna Rickert

Generous, resourceful & courageous - just 3 of the many words that describe Sherna. If you’ve met her, you know her #1 focus in class is that YOU enjoy the movement & free your mind.

*200-Hour Yoga Certification


Karen Steiner

Creative, present & authentic - just 3 of the many words that describe a class with Karen, one of our guides. When she is not in class, you will find her in the car, coffee on deck. Karen is an avid road-tripper who has been to OVER 30 states! Can you guess which ones she has yet to travel to?!

*200-Hour Yoga Certification


Megan Goerlinger

Compassionate, athletic & adventurous - just 3 of the many words that describe Megan. Her nights outside of the studio include a nice tall glass of cabernet with Cabby, her vizsla pup! Yes, you should definitely ask to see a picture!

*200-Hour Yoga Certification


Lauren Tonies

Encouraging, insightful & authentic - just 3 of the many words that describe Lauren. Lauren loves exploration and taking on a new challenge! When Lauren was 12, she moved to Australia and lived abroad until she turned 18. Give her a G’day when you see her!

*200-Hour Yoga Certification


Jessica Fritz

Enthusiastic, smiley & adventurous - just 3 of the many words that describe Jessica. Whether it is on the mat or outdoors, she is always up for a challenge. Jessica once hiked through the Himalayas to the base of Mt. Everest! 

*200-Hour Yoga Certification